Preserve our history and inspire our community to connect the past with the future
- Dr. Michael Galaty, Director of the UM Museum of Anthropological Archeology, will conduct a field class for 15 UM students on site at Gordon Hall this fall 2018. Dr. Galaty’s team will be led by Ms. Blair Zaid, a PhD Candidate in anthropology at MSU, and Mr. Marty Menz, a graduate student at UM, who will serve as teaching assistant. They will focus on areas related to the stone privy and the milk house, and they will attempt to see whether they can locate the north corner of the Ell and whether there are any remains of its foundation.
- Any artifacts that are discovered will be cataloged and preserved at UM until such time as DAHS may want them for storage and/or display in Dexter. A full report will be prepared.
- Dr. Galaty and his team selected their dig sites with the intention of helping to understand the underground historic resources, particularly in advance of any future work that might be done in restoring Gordon Hall.
- There will be a public archaeology day at Gordon Hall on Oct 20. Part of the lesson plan is aimed at learning to engage the public, and the students will be expected to develop short lessons illustrating what they are doing.
Have you ever wanted to visit an archaeological dig? Now you don’t have to travel to exotic locales. Just join us at Gordon Hall in Dexter for a public Archaeology Day on Saturday October 20, International Archaeology Day. University of Michigan students will share their methods and their discoveries as they dig 5 survey pits around the grounds of Gordon Hall. They hope to discover and document artifacts that will illuminate the lives of the people who have lived there, from the time the house was built in 1843 to the present.
Docents from the Dexter Area Historical Society will be on hand to talk about the history of Gordon Hall and its inhabitants Kids are welcome and encouraged. Free.
Saturday October 20, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Gordon Hall, 8311 Island Lake Rd, Dexter, MI. Free onsite parking. For more information call 734-426-2519 or visit our Facebook page:
Times and Dates - UM Archeology Class - UM
Week 1: Friday September 21, 1:30-3:30 pm- Site Survey
Week 2: Friday September 28, 1:30-3:30 pm- Site Survey
Week 3: Friday October 5, 1:30-3:30 pm- Excavation
Week 4: Friday October 12, 1:30-3:30 pm- Excavation
Week 5. Friday October 19, 1:30 - 3:30pm- Excavation
Saturday October 20, 11:00-2:00 pm Excavation, and Public Lecture for MI Archaeology Day.
Week 6: Friday October 26, 1:30-3:30 pm- Excavation
Week 7: Friday November 2, 1:30-3:30 pm- Excavation, close field site